Casper-node requires the following ports:
- 35000 (required to be externally visible)
- 7777 RPC endpoint for interaction with casper-client
- 8888 REST endpoint for status and metrics (having this accessible allows your node to be included as part of overall network status)
- 9999 SSE endpoint for event stream
Of these ports, 35000 is the only port required to be open for your node to function and communicate with the other nodes on the network.
If you wish to limit inbound traffic to your node’s endpoints, you can set firewall rules similar to the below ufw
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Setup firewall
sudo apt install ufw -y
sudo ufw disable
sudo ufw reset
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw limit ssh
sudo ufw limit 7777/tcp
sudo ufw limit 8888/tcp
sudo ufw limit 35000/tcp
sudo ufw enable
These commands will limit requests to the functional ports of your node. 35000 should largely be left alone minus limiting traffic as it is crucial for node-to-node communication.
If you have any concerns, questions, or issues, please submit a request to our support team here:
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