Using the Casper Golang SDK, you can query an ERC-20 contract for an account’s balance quickly and easily:
// Import the Casper Golang SDK.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Initialize a new client instance with the node URL.
client := contract.NewClient("http://localhost:11101")
// Define the contract hash and account address.
contractHash := utils.MustDecodeBase16("hash0123456789abcdef")
accountAddress := utils.MustDecodeBase16("account-hash0123456789abcdef")
// Define the function arguments.
args := &contract.ContractCallArgs{
EntryPoint: "balance_of",
Args: []interface{}{accountAddress},
// Call the smart contract's balance_of function with the specified arguments.
result, err := client.CallContract(contractHash, args)
if err != nil {
// Log any errors to the console.
fmt.Printf("Error: %v", err)
// Save the result to a key in local storage.
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